Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Parties!

The 15th annual Lemieux Christmas Party was a hit as usual! It was extra special because Papa and Granny (Isaac and Vida) were there, and even extra extra special for us because Brian was here for it too! Their presences' have been MUCH anticipated.

The party was great! The food was unparalleled - as always - and I completely pigged out. But loved every second of the food and the company. It's always great getting together, helps you to remember that family is what really matters. And we have the BEST family out there. Love you all!

Hanging out with Uncle Brian

Isaac and Papa, waiting for Santa

Isaac getting his Santa gift

There was some confusion over WHICH Isaac was called, as Santa called for "Little Isaac".

Elise getting her Santa gift

This was Christmas Part #2 at Mike's family...

Playing before supper

Elise and Isaac's cousin, Sofia


Isaac opening a gift... it was a long process

still opening....

Elise refused to smile for the camera... lol


Something was funny...

Isaac playing with one of Sofia's cheese shakers

He loved the shakers....

Playing peek-a-boo with Daddy

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