Every day is an interesting day... here is a quick peek at my morning:
Breakfast time....
While enjoying our breakfast, Elise lines up her handful of Froot Loops (no that's not all she had... she also had some toast and banana) and she asked me, "what does this spell Mommy?" I replied, "I think it spells Froot Loops." She laughed at me and said, "No. It spells Mom. M - O - M." Yes, she spelled Mom. Completely shocked me... I guess they've been working on that at school.
Enter Mr Isaac... all the while he is trying to throw his food on the floor, between the occasional bite. He gets one warning.... two warnings.... now he thinks it funny. Third time was a charm... TIME OUT BUDDY!
I briskly remove him from his shackled eating area and whisk him away to his room for a time out. I plop him in his crib and give him a stern talking - all the while he calmly sits and smiles at me. I leave the room and close the door.
He doesn't make a sound.
I return to his room moments later to see that he is lounging back on his pillow... not a care in the world. I again tell him that what he did was not allowed... he smiles... and I ask him if he's sorry... he stands up and gives me a kiss.
The little monster could care less about his "time out".
Then Elise gave me a good laugh as I was changing Isaac. She was playing with a big beach boat and she was asking me to go sailing with her. I said, "maybe later... right now I'm scared of the sharks in the water." Elise said, "It's okay mommy, I can save you. Just come on my boat okay?" I said, "Hmmm.... maybe. But I'm scared of the whales too." Not too worry though... she had an answer for that too.
She said, "Don't worry Mommy. The whales aren't coming today, they have a headache."
She cracks me up! :P