Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day

So for Mother's Day I got a new camera! Which, in truth, was badly needed. Our old one was broken... usable... but broken. The battery door on it doesn't stay closed, so every 3rd shot or so it would pop open and you would loose the pic you were trying to take, and a few minutes of putting the batteries back in. By that time the kids had long moved on to something new.

Anyway, I've been trying out the new camera to see how I like it. Here are some pictures...

This was on our way to see the diggers.... again...

Miss Elise in the van... on our way to get a treat.

Isaac and the dandelions... so happy he didn't eat these.

Elise jumping and spinning around... yes these are action shots... LOVE my new camera.

Is it mean of me to take pictures of him crying... he's just so cute...

A picture of me and the kids.... I don't get many of those.

Elise giving Isaac orders... again...

Talk about mischievous!

Okay... I guess that's enough... LOL talk about picture overload!

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