Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Visit with Mama & Papa....

So yesterday we went to Mama's & Papa's for the day.... we had a great time!

Isaac awoke just after our arrival... looking cute as ever... but wondering where in the world his food went.

In the afternoon it was time for Miss Elise's tea party (a.k.a. I want some chips/cake/some sort of treat....ooooo....maybe cheese balls!)

The smile says it all.... those were GREAT chips!

After a most delicious supper, courtesy of Mom & Dad.... and it was SO good.... an Eye-of-the-Round Roast and a Pork roast with potatoes and carrots... oh and the dessert! Apple Brown Betty.... mmmmm.... did I mention Elise's favourite? Right... pickles and bread with butter (okay, mostly just butter.... the bread is just the handle)... but I digress...
After supper Miss Elise had a bath with a TON of bubbles... she had a blast with Mama and the bath (although Mama ended up a little damp too lol)
(Pictures of bath time are restricted)

Isaac was hanging with Papa during bath time....

I'm not sure what was so funny.... but Isaac and Papa were having a good laugh.

Where's my Mommy? I'm starving!!! And I'm tired! hmph!
Talk about pulling out the "Daddy lip" (or in this case the "Papa lip").

See you next week Mama & Papa!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mama&papa love these visits. just wait,Isaac you will love the tea parties to... and your sister is very good at sharing even her favorite 'cheeze balls'. ? what was papa telling Isaac? that was a cute picture. and it wasn't just a bath,it was a SPA bath fit for a princess(mama'a princess).It only gets better love you