Monday, August 17, 2009


Today's lunch was a wonderful myriad of edible scraps found in the fridge. Isaac had squash and oatmeal.. always a favourite. I had a plastic cheese wiz sandwich - the sandwich was real.. just the cheese wiz was plastic - and Miss Elise opted for spaghetti. No, she INSISTED on spaghetti. Lucky for her (who am I kidding... lucky for ME) we had some leftover from supper the other night.

I have Isaac's squash defrosting, and I set out to prepare Elise's spaghetti. I have Isaac in one arm, the phone on the other shoulder talking to Brian, and I'm reaching into the fridge for the container of spaghetti.....when BAM!!! Isaac pulls open the freezer door and nearly knocks me out. Note to me: Isaac can open the fridge/freezer doors.... at 8 months. I'm in for it once he starts getting more mobile.

In the end we're all full... that's all that counts some days.

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