Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our Latest Adventure

So as most of you know, Mike had to go in for a scope in Saturday. For those of you with nothing better to do right now... here is how it played out.

Friday Night:
We were sitting down to a delicious and much anticipated supper of bbq'd steak, baked potato, and corn. The feast had just begun when Mike calmly got up and went out of the kitchen... I knew it wasn't good and once making sure that both Isaac and Elise were okay to be left for a second, I followed him. A piece of food had gotten wedged in his throat. He could still breath and talk, but he couldn't swallow or he would start choking again. This happened around 6:40 pm and by 9:00 pm I convince Mike that he should go in to emerge because he's not going to be able to sleep like that - obviously. He was tentative at first because the kids were in bed AND asleep (that doesn't always happen much), but he decided he would go and just drive himself.
He called to let me know he got there in one piece and a few times after that for updates about x-rays - which they couldn't see anything on. At midnight he called to tell me that they were keeping him over night and that if it didn't dislodge by itself by then, then they would do a scope in the morning.

Up early, getting Elise and Isaac some breakfast and waiting for Mike to call to see how he was and what his night was like. Mike calls, says he has to be transferred to Oshawa, because they can't do the surgery at Bowmanville. I call mom and dad - at Granny's - and relay the info. Brian beeps in..... a nurse from Bowmanville calls and leaves a message... you're getting the picture. While my calling marathon is happening, I am trying to hastily get bags and lunches packed - Isaac is screaming bloody murder because he is tired, but I don't have time for him to have a nap before we need to leave. Finally everything is packed.... and it starts to POUR. Great... frigging great. No really... SUPER. Okay, get Elise's raincoat... umbrella... umbrella.... ummmm.... there's no umbrella. Again, super. Run all the bags out, come back for Isaac and Elise. Get them in and secured. Run back to close the door. Get in the van.... SOAKED.


Pick up Mike at the hospital, run a note to his car so it doesn't get tagged and ticketed (yes, it's still pouring out). Drive to Oshawa hospital, park while silently cursing the ridiculous price that I know I'm going to have to pay when we leave.
Mike was given a letter and instructions to go to ER Admissions and that he would be processed and sent straight up to floor 7. Go into ER.... you have to take a # regardless if they are waiting for you upstairs. So we take a #, and wait. It's almost lunch time... Isaac is waking up.... Elise is getting antsy. Mike is called in. I start walking the floors with Isaac and Elise. The first lady is finished, sends Mike to the second lady.... who, after looking over his paper work, said we didn't need to go through all of that. Great.... thanks for nothing, just process us already so we can move on.
Finally processed, and we make our way upstairs - Elise is devastated as we pass pizza pizza, she was starving. Have I mentioned it is past lunch time at this point?
We get up to Mike's room and he gets his info, they said it would probably be a couple hour wait before he would be taken in. I take Elise and Isaac down to the food court to eat lunch... at long last. We are all very hungry... but not as hungry as Daddy who hasn't eaten since lunch the day before. Non the less, we head out for lunch.
At this point I am carrying Isaac (there's not much room for a stroller in the café area, and it just seemed easier to carry him and hold Elise's hand. We wait forever while some "thoughtful" moron decides to buy his nurses 2 dozen doughnuts. I was loosing patients... I didn't care about his nurses just then. I was holding our pizza's, Isaac's bag of food, Elise's hand, and Isaac all the while Isaac is trying to dive bomb my chest in quest for lunch. Alas, it is our turn to pay. I do so quickly and try to find a private'ish area to be able nurse Isaac without flashing all of the clientele that are currently enjoying their lunches. I get us situated at a table in a far corner. Elise climbs up on the chair and dives into her pizza.... little angle has been so patient. I start to nurse Isaac, who is very distracted by all of the noise and the new sights. I hold off on eating my pizza so as not to distract him more - I will eat when he is having his squash and rice. Still, he's not eating like normal... and doesn't seem to want to burp. I'm holding him on my knee, and he starts to throw up... not a little bit of spit up.... I mean gushing, so hard it's coming out his nose too... to be continued...


So as great as gushing puke is... it's even BETTER when it goes between your legs. Yep... that's right. It looks like I peed myself, only smells worse. Great eh? I also have it down the front and back of my shirt. I'm a regular carton of sour milk.
Now I have to go all through the hospital to get back to Mike's room so I can get the carseat, stroller, and various other things, so I can then go home to get changed - as I am the only one I did NOT bring clothes for. *sigh* I didn't want to leave Mike right before his surgery, but I couldn't stay like that either. So I grab all the stuff, trek back through the hospital corridors - with a more than a few snickers behind my back - and to the van. Pile everyone in... Isaac starts puking again. Clean up the mess. Head home. Call Aunt Holly, beg for her mercy (well, just to watch Elise for me). Get home, change Elise, Isaac and myself - the power goes out, super - make some calls, then back in the van and off to Aunt Holly's to drop off Elise (who was very excited to not have to go back to the hospital). Rush back to the hospital, get there in time to pick up Mike.

Surgery went well. They got out the piece of food (Mike doesn't want steak for a while now). They also opened up his esophagus... he apparently has eosinophilic esophagitis (, and that is what has been causing him to get things wedged in his throat. Fun right?

So Mike was woozy and tired after being put under. We head home, have to stop twice for Isaac - who ate like normal this time - and pick up Elise. Get home, Mike goes to lay down, his chest is killing him and the anesthetic is making him feel sick.

Now for the good part of the day:
I give the kids supper and we leave for a walk... they both fall asleep... it's a long walk and it's wonderful. About 5 mins after getting home, it gets really dark, the winds pick up, and it starts to rain and hail like crazy! I had to run back out in that to put the stroller away, but was SO thankful that I wasn't still out walking when it hit.


Let's not do that again. Ever.


Katie said...

OMG - that's just awful. The puking sort of was the clincher!!

I hope Mike is all better now!

DM2003 said...

LOL Katie... you're right... the puking is what really did me in! Mike is much better now :)