Friday, March 6, 2009

The Dr's Office; Episode 2

Yesterday Miss Elise was acting a little strange. By evening it was clear that something was really wrong.... the rubbing of the ear made Mommy very concerned.

Fast forward to today:
This morning Elise is still acting off. We get up and get dressed have breakfast... get ready for our day. Then Mommy calls the Dr to see if we can get an appointment for this afternoon (when Mama would be here to help). No such luck. They did say they could fit us in if we could make it there in 15 minutes. Mommy takes a DEEP BREATH and says, "sure, no problem!".
We throw on our coats and hats, get Isaac in his carseat, and off we fly to the dr's office. We actually FIND a parking space - now that is a novel idea - and Mommy puts on her super human strength cape and carry's Isaac (in his seat) and Elise up 3 flights of stairs in record time (this is about 42 lbs). We make it up in one piece with no major catastrophies. Sign in... get settled and are called in right way. It's a 3 Little Piggies wait (the extended version). Dr comes and checks out Miss Elise's ears (much to her dismay). Mommy's fears are confirmed. Elise has an ear infection. As the Dr is writing a prescription, Mr Isaac insists that it is time to eat - NOW. So with a whimpering Elise and a wailing Isaac, we make our way back to the waiting area - we were VERY inconspicuous. Feed Isaac (and get a dirty look from some old guy... at this point he's lucky I didn't tell him where to go lol), Elise pulls every single card out of my little credit card book.... it was great. Once we have Isaac settled we make a follow up appointment for Elise for next week. Super. Now we get to get bundled up again, and I get to put on my super human strength cape and back down the 3 flights of stairs (who needs a gym?!). Back to the van, where Isaac begins to scream again.... and all I can think is "Dear God, please let us just get home."

At long last we get home, and world returns to its normal state. *sigh* I still think I need a nap.

Stay tuned for the next episode of The Dr's Office, coming next Friday.

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