Thursday, March 5, 2009

So what's Miss Elise & Mr Isaac been up too?

Miss Elise has learned some new things.... she can climb onto the couch - BY HERSELF - now... mind you, she still says "Mommy. Help!" and prefers for me to help her (all I do is hold her hand... not much of a help lol). She has recently learned Mommy and Daddy's names. Now when she wakes up she calls "Daddy? Daaaaa-deeeeee! Michael?" and finishes it off with a whispered "Dunbrack." LOL
This morning Elise woke up asking for Mama and Papa.... Mama was here two days in a row. Yesterday she was learning Mama and Papa's names... still have a bit of work to do there. She still insists that her brothers name is "Igees".
She is still obsessed with Froggy... but then, who isn't?!

Mr Isaac is doing well... some days "weller" than others LOL We *hope* that we are turning a corner in the land of colic. It's high on my wish list.
He has found his hands... and not just to chew/suck on... he actually stares at them now... and then smiles... guess he thinks he's got them all figured out now.
We think he's got some of Mom and Papa (okay... that sounds confusing... I mean Gilda and Isaac) in him... he doesn't like to go to sleep. He's nosey and doesn't want to miss out on anything! But for the most part he is a very happy little boy. He is always smiling and laughing now. I love it.

Okay... perhaps I should be doing some cleaning instead on being on the computer... you know, before the board of health comes to shut me down ;)

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