Monday, March 16, 2009

Update Update

Hello avid reader(s) - the (s) is for those of you who read, but never comment... so we don't know that you read ha ha - it's been a while since I've updated anything. The reason you might ask? Miss Elise has been sick, and if I'm not feeding Isaac, then I'm holding her. They are, for the moment, both napping.... so I'm going to get in as much as I can.

We had a dr appointment on Friday the 13th for Isaac's 3 month check up and for Elise's ear (which also turned into her throat). First for Elise.... She freaked. No surprise there as our previous dr wasn't overly friendly with kids and she was also the one who gave the shots... now Elise is terrified of dr's. In the end we found out that one of her ears is still blocked, so we have to continue with drops in her ears - this experiece deserves a whole seperate blog post. We also got her measured... she is 33 3/4"... didn't get her weight though... as I had mentioned... she was freaking out.

Now for Isaac, he did GREAT... hardly a peep until it was time for him to eat LOL. Are you ready for his stats?!

WEIGHT - 15 lbs 14 oz
HEIGHT - 24 3/4"

Elise weighed 11 lbs 8 oz at 3 months... quite the difference!

Hmmm.... I know there have been other things going on..... but I could be too tired to remember them at the moment. Did I mention that Elise was up.... hmmm.... 1,2,3,4,5? maybe 6 times last night? Poor girl... she was running a fever again, and her throat is so sore. If I wasn't up with her, then I was up feeding Isaac.... they are a great tag team! Oh woe is me.... HAHAHA I'm trying to enjoy every second of it!

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