Monday, March 9, 2009

What's new...

So... what's new in our world? I'm sure you're dying to know... its been, what... 2 days? ha ha.

I picked up Miss Elise's antibiotics on Friday afternoon (thank you mom for coming... not sure I was up for another outing!). She is NOT a fan of that disgusting banana medicine... can't say as though I blame her (not everyone can drink that stuff like Uncle Brian). So we have a routine for taking it. First she gets to shake it, then she has to take it. After which she gets to call Papa - not a bad reward for taking that yucky stuff. It nearly makes me sick just to get it ready to give to her... I'm gagging just thinking about it

Tonight I had to put mineral oil drops in her ears... (thanks for the tips mom!) didn't go too badly, though I know she wasn't a fan. But then, who would be? I guess it really tickled, because she kept asking for a drink afterwards - are you following my logic? If not.... here goes.... when you're ear drum/canal tickles, it often makes your throat kind of ticklish/itchy.... we try to solve this by using our tongue to scratch it, or by having a drink. This is my logic. It's probably wrong, but I'm sticking with it for now. LOL

Not sure why I'm still up.... I'm dead tired... everyone else is asleep, and I'm up. Hmmm... I'm blaming it on Mikey.... we're playing scrabble, or "Lexulous" as the cool kids call it these days.

Janice, I got your gifts! Thank you SO much! I'll post a pic of Isaac in the outfit soon... it's adorable :)

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