Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh to potty...

So as of yesterday I start to "officially" try to potty train Elise. We had been doing some here and there... but I just hadn't fully committed to it. Over the weekend I we bought some training pants... and voila... Monday was our big day. Things aren't going to shabby... and I *think* we are making progress.

However, at one point today in my potty woes.... I thought to myself.... do NOT get discouraged.... be thankful that your not using an outhouse! I can't imagine the amount of time that would take up... always running back and forth, emptying poe's... (I have no idea how to spell that... but work with me on this...). And can you imagine flour bag underwear? - okay... so maybe some of you can... haha... My hat goes off to Granny... training 10! Ha... I'll be lucky if I get Elise trained by the time she graduates high school! Okay, so that's a slight exaggeration.

I just wanted to share my reflective moment, thinking of how much harder it was way back when... and decided to be a little more thankful for the resources I have. And thankful for indoor plumbing. Remember that next time you flush ;)


Katie said...

I'll try to remember that when we start potty training. Positive mantras are what get me through my days right now!

DM2003 said...

ha ha... I don't know how you do it! That spinning video cracked me up though :)